If you’ve never run before or need support getting back to it, this program will help you to build up to complete the full 5K distance non-stop in the Groton 5K Road Race on May 4th, 2025. It starts with a series of run/walk intervals to get you moving gradually and pressure-free. As you progress through the training plan, you’ll spend less time walking and more time running until you find that you can complete the full 5K distance non-stop. There’s no better time to get going than now to enjoy the countless physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Most of all, you would love the fun and the good company!
Cheney Harper is an avid runner and a long-term Squannacook River Runners (SQRR) club member in Groton, MA. The SQRR club organizes and hosts several yearly races, including the Groton Road Race in early May and the Groton Town Forest Trail Races in October. Cheney plans to designate part of the program fee to fund SQRR races.
**You are not required to run in the Groton 5K Road Race. You make take this training program to start running or get back into it.**
Reference websites:
Squannacook River Runners: https://sqrr.org
Groton Road Race: https://grotonroadrace.com
Groton Town Forest Trail Races: http://www.grotontftr.freeservers.com
Cheney Harper is an avid runner and a long-term member of the Squannacook River Runners (SQRR) club in Groton, MA. SQRR organizes and hosts several races each year, including the Groton Road Race in early May and the Groton Town Forest Trail Races in October.
Cheney Harper
No Class Apr 21