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Featured Courses

  • Local Luminaries: Susan Randazzo

    Susan Randazzo is one of the original founders of Indian Hill Arts, now Groton Hill Music Center. Come join a conversation with this recently retired Director of Groton Hill Music and learn about the fascinating journey she and a small group of volunteers embarked on in 1985. Another non-profit success story for Groton, with many interesting twists and turns along the way! **All proceeds benefit the Prescott Community Center.**
  • Groton Environmental Action

    Is your time limited, but you want to do more to save planet Earth? Join us for local environmental strategizing and action. We plan to introduce a different environmental issue every month as described in David Attenborough's documentary "Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet." Our goal is to develop a community-based action plan to address urgent environmental issues. March 15 - Loss of Biosphere Integrity Film: David Attenborough’s “A Life on Our Planet” Speaker: TBD Sample Agenda (subject to change): 2:00-3:45 PM - View Film - Before the Flood 3:45-4:00 PM - Group discussion - "What have you done individually to address climate change?" 4:00-4:30 PM - Local speaker - Chris Craighill of Commonwealth Fusion Systems 4:30-4:45PM - Break out groups - What actions can we take as a community to address climate change? 4:45-5:00 PM - Wrap up ** You must register in advance to attend this FREE program.**