Menopause is a hot topic of late with everyone from Oprah to Drew Barrymore shining the spotlight on this life stage. The amount of information can feel overwhelming at best and discouraging at worst. Join Master Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Menopause Fitness Specialist Kerry Ann Madden as she helps you understand what is going on in your body, how you can find solutions for your symptoms, improve your quality of life, and navigate the journey to optimize your next phase in life!
Instructor will email students the materials. Students should bring clipboard/notebook and pen/pencil to the class.
Kerry Ann Madden had struggled with body image, yoyo dieting and exercise for as long as she could remember. After years of trial and error, she decided to get scientific about these challenges and become a body positive, weight inclusive Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. The result? She learned what it takes to help people achieve healthier relationships with food and their bodies, reduce stress and gain more energy to create a healthy lifestyle that lasts.
Kerry also has a passion for functional fitness, stress reduction and corrective exercise, learning how to move, breath and progress in a manner that keeps you strong, balanced and avoid injury in and out of the fitness facility. Qualifications
Kerry Ann Madden