Groton and its surrounding communities are confronting many challenges with respect to the sustainable use of our resources in the face of growing populations and rapid climate change. In this forum, we will look at ways that Groton could act to reduce biodiversity loss, considering ways to mitigate and adapt to a changing climate, to protect water resources for biological and recreational use, and manage our lands for their ecological value.
Week 1 - Challenges to the protection of biodiversity in Groton Week 2 - The Ecology of Climate Change - uncertainties and probabilities Week 3 - Mitigating Climate Change - can we make a difference? Week 4 - Helping Wildlife Adapt to Climate Change
**All proceeds benefit the Prescott Community Center.**
David Black has been teaching ecology and environmental science at Groton School since 1989. He served as a trustee of the Groton Conservation Trust from 2002 until 2021 and remains active in environmental issues in the community. His primary interests lie in the fields of conservation biology and land use management and planning.
David Black
No Class Apr 30