Join us at Prescott for an in-person meetup for twenty-somethings with a passion for gaming. In the online space, the ability to socially connect with others is slowly becoming more rare. Game Night is a chance for people to find a common connection. These games can range from board games, video games, card games, party games to anything that has that gaming spirit. Come hang out with other like-minded folks. Pizza, Snacks and Water will be provided for a fun evening of game play.
Feel free to bring games you would like to play! Any kind of games are welcome, be it board game, video game, or otherwise.
Hi! I'm Jonah, a 24-year-old nerd from Groton Massachusetts. I graduated from RIT with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and a Minor in Creative Writing. All my life, I've been a big supporter of all things gaming, be it video games, board games, even sports. I believe games bring people together under any environment, and I hope that I can share that energy with anyone willing to join me!
Jonah Krampitz