Our modern day society is full of sitting! We sit behind computers, on phones, in the car, at the dinner table, you get the idea! Our bodies weren’t designed for all of this sitting, and it can take a real toll on our structural alignment. You will leave this series feeling taller, longer, and armed with the skills needed to incorporate a back care routine into your everyday life.
Please bring a yoga mat to class.
Here is what they are saying about Emma's Class:
"This is my third session with Emma and they just keep getting better. She is very flexible with the format and adjusts to meet the classes needs. I will definitely register for the next session."
"Emma is a great yoga instructor. She changes up the class to fit our needs but is always pushing us to be better."
"Good structure and knowledgeable instructor."
"Time is good. Class size is good. Emma the instructor is wonderful."
Emma started her yoga teacher journey while living in Thailand from 2009-2012. She led classes for friends and colleagues and realized how much she loved facilitating an environment of body awareness and positive energy. She went on to get her 200hr yoga teacher certification in Rishikesh India in 2012.
Visit Emma's website to learn more about her and her offerings: turning-circles.com
Emma Howard
No Class Apr 2
Online registration is over